Minggu, 27 September 2009


Full name: Ivan Kurniawan Arifin
Nickname: Ivanka
Place of birth: Jakarta, December 9
Religion: Islam
Height / Weight: 170 cm / 55 kgs
Hobbies: musics
Influense: Rolling Stones, Beatles
Instruments: Bass / Guitars

Ben Setiawan Almachzumi (born in Jakarta, December 25, 1966, age 41 years; often greeted with the call-Bim Bim) is a musician and founder of the Indonesian band, Slank. In group Slank, Bim-bim drums and playing instruments. Together Boy (guitar), Kiki (guitar), Abi (bass), Uti (vocals), and Well Welly (vocals), Bimbim express his love to the works of the Rolling Stones. In December 1983 they founded the Cikini Stones Complex (CSC), a musical group comprised of high school kids college Cikini, Jakarta, which was the forerunner Slank. In a way, they experienced personnel reshuffle until finally formed formations to-14 in 1996 who survived until now. Last formation, which started from seventh album, Slank, consisting of Bimbim (drums), Kaka (vocals), Ivanka (bass), Ridho (guitar) and Negara (guitar).
Full name: Ben Setiawan Almachzumi
Nickname: Bimbim
Place of birth: Jakarta, 25 December
Religion: Islam
Height / Weight: 173 cm / 52 kgs
Hobbies: Soccer
Influnce: Van Halen, Rolling Stones, Queen
Instruments: Drums / Percussions / Guitar

Wira Akhadi Satriaji or often in said Kaka (born in Jakarta, March 10, 1974, age 34 years) is a cousin of Bim-bim, founder Slank. In Slank, Kaka filling sound sector. This youngest of four children became familiar with music since junior high. But he joined the new Slank while sitting in a high school class in 1989. He occupied the position of vocal Erwan replace the out of Slank. The world is full of glamorous living artists and the razzle razzle difficult to avoid, Kaka was also trapped in the drug underworld. Beginning of this hell pill is experimenting, but then became addicted. Finally, since 2000, with the help of Chinese medicine therapy, Kaka pulls away and not touch the stuff again forbidden. Kaka Natasya married on Friday, December 13, 2002. Marriage is a second marriage Kaka. From his first marriage, Kaka Solielluna blessed with a child (born 1996) and from his second marriage, Chaska Satriaji (born 6 April 2004).
Full name: Akhadi Wira Satriaji
Nickname: Kaka
Place of birth: Jakarta, 10 March
Religion: Islam
Height / Weight: 171 cm / 60 kgs
Hobbies: Soccer
Influence: Bob Marley, David Coverdale
Instruments: Guitars / Vocal Cord
• Ridho
Mohammad Ridwan Hafiedz or Ridho (born September 3, 1973, Ambon, Indonesia) is a guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter of Indonesia. He is the guitarist and vocalist Slank with other guitarists, Negara State. By Slank, Ridho has made nine studio albums and three live albums and one compilation album, released in May 2006.
Ridho born and raised in a Muslim family in Ambon. He played the guitar since he was 7 years old. His professional career began when the band formed in 1991 LFM. After completing his formal education, Ridho went to Hollywood, the United States to study music at the Musician Institute to hone his talent. In 1996, three of the five members resigned Slank. Reasons related to the resignation of their drug addiction problems experienced by the drummer, and vocalist Bim-Bim, Kaka. Nevertheless, Slank and then add three new members (Abdee, Iva, and Ridho), to 'switch on' again Slank.
Full name: Mohammad Ridwan Hafiedz
Nickname: Ridho
Place of birth: Ambon, 3 September
Religion: Islam
Height / Weight: 173 cm / 50 kgs
Hobbies: Soccer
Influense: Blues Saraceno, Nick Nolan, Beatles, Jimmy Hendrix
Instrument: Guitars
• Abdee
Negara Negara State or popular with Slank, born in Donggala, Central Sulawesi, June 28, 1968. He is a guitarist, vocalist, songwriter for the group Slank musical. While Slank itself is a musical group that always exists spawned albums since 1983. The group was originally a band consisting of high school kids Cikini University, Jakarta, which consists Ben Setiawan (drums), Boy (guitar), Kiki (guitar), Abi (bass), Uti (vocals), and Well Welly (vocal ).
Unfortunately this group can not survive with the formation, which occurred successively personnel reshuffle until finally formed the formation of the 14 in 1996 and survived until now.
In formations consisting formed, Kaka signed as a vocalist, with other personnel consist of Bimbim (drums), Ivanka (bass), Ridho (guitar) and Negara (guitar).
Full name: Negara state
Nickname: Abdee
Place of birth: Donggala, June 28
Religion: Islam
Height / Weight: 170 cm / 50 kgs
Hobbies: Motor Cross
Influense: Keith Richard, Jimmy Hendrix
Instrument: Guitars
Ivan Kurniawan Arifin or the more familiar call is a shredder Bass Ivan Slank. Men born in Jakarta was started joining in Slank since 1997 to replace Bongk. Together with Ivan Slank has produced 10 albums starting from album to album again last sad Slank Slow But Sure.

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