Minggu, 27 September 2009


Full name: Ivan Kurniawan Arifin
Nickname: Ivanka
Place of birth: Jakarta, December 9
Religion: Islam
Height / Weight: 170 cm / 55 kgs
Hobbies: musics
Influense: Rolling Stones, Beatles
Instruments: Bass / Guitars

Ben Setiawan Almachzumi (born in Jakarta, December 25, 1966, age 41 years; often greeted with the call-Bim Bim) is a musician and founder of the Indonesian band, Slank. In group Slank, Bim-bim drums and playing instruments. Together Boy (guitar), Kiki (guitar), Abi (bass), Uti (vocals), and Well Welly (vocals), Bimbim express his love to the works of the Rolling Stones. In December 1983 they founded the Cikini Stones Complex (CSC), a musical group comprised of high school kids college Cikini, Jakarta, which was the forerunner Slank. In a way, they experienced personnel reshuffle until finally formed formations to-14 in 1996 who survived until now. Last formation, which started from seventh album, Slank, consisting of Bimbim (drums), Kaka (vocals), Ivanka (bass), Ridho (guitar) and Negara (guitar).
Full name: Ben Setiawan Almachzumi
Nickname: Bimbim
Place of birth: Jakarta, 25 December
Religion: Islam
Height / Weight: 173 cm / 52 kgs
Hobbies: Soccer
Influnce: Van Halen, Rolling Stones, Queen
Instruments: Drums / Percussions / Guitar

Wira Akhadi Satriaji or often in said Kaka (born in Jakarta, March 10, 1974, age 34 years) is a cousin of Bim-bim, founder Slank. In Slank, Kaka filling sound sector. This youngest of four children became familiar with music since junior high. But he joined the new Slank while sitting in a high school class in 1989. He occupied the position of vocal Erwan replace the out of Slank. The world is full of glamorous living artists and the razzle razzle difficult to avoid, Kaka was also trapped in the drug underworld. Beginning of this hell pill is experimenting, but then became addicted. Finally, since 2000, with the help of Chinese medicine therapy, Kaka pulls away and not touch the stuff again forbidden. Kaka Natasya married on Friday, December 13, 2002. Marriage is a second marriage Kaka. From his first marriage, Kaka Solielluna blessed with a child (born 1996) and from his second marriage, Chaska Satriaji (born 6 April 2004).
Full name: Akhadi Wira Satriaji
Nickname: Kaka
Place of birth: Jakarta, 10 March
Religion: Islam
Height / Weight: 171 cm / 60 kgs
Hobbies: Soccer
Influence: Bob Marley, David Coverdale
Instruments: Guitars / Vocal Cord
• Ridho
Mohammad Ridwan Hafiedz or Ridho (born September 3, 1973, Ambon, Indonesia) is a guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter of Indonesia. He is the guitarist and vocalist Slank with other guitarists, Negara State. By Slank, Ridho has made nine studio albums and three live albums and one compilation album, released in May 2006.
Ridho born and raised in a Muslim family in Ambon. He played the guitar since he was 7 years old. His professional career began when the band formed in 1991 LFM. After completing his formal education, Ridho went to Hollywood, the United States to study music at the Musician Institute to hone his talent. In 1996, three of the five members resigned Slank. Reasons related to the resignation of their drug addiction problems experienced by the drummer, and vocalist Bim-Bim, Kaka. Nevertheless, Slank and then add three new members (Abdee, Iva, and Ridho), to 'switch on' again Slank.
Full name: Mohammad Ridwan Hafiedz
Nickname: Ridho
Place of birth: Ambon, 3 September
Religion: Islam
Height / Weight: 173 cm / 50 kgs
Hobbies: Soccer
Influense: Blues Saraceno, Nick Nolan, Beatles, Jimmy Hendrix
Instrument: Guitars
• Abdee
Negara Negara State or popular with Slank, born in Donggala, Central Sulawesi, June 28, 1968. He is a guitarist, vocalist, songwriter for the group Slank musical. While Slank itself is a musical group that always exists spawned albums since 1983. The group was originally a band consisting of high school kids Cikini University, Jakarta, which consists Ben Setiawan (drums), Boy (guitar), Kiki (guitar), Abi (bass), Uti (vocals), and Well Welly (vocal ).
Unfortunately this group can not survive with the formation, which occurred successively personnel reshuffle until finally formed the formation of the 14 in 1996 and survived until now.
In formations consisting formed, Kaka signed as a vocalist, with other personnel consist of Bimbim (drums), Ivanka (bass), Ridho (guitar) and Negara (guitar).
Full name: Negara state
Nickname: Abdee
Place of birth: Donggala, June 28
Religion: Islam
Height / Weight: 170 cm / 50 kgs
Hobbies: Motor Cross
Influense: Keith Richard, Jimmy Hendrix
Instrument: Guitars
Ivan Kurniawan Arifin or the more familiar call is a shredder Bass Ivan Slank. Men born in Jakarta was started joining in Slank since 1997 to replace Bongk. Together with Ivan Slank has produced 10 albums starting from album to album again last sad Slank Slow But Sure.


name: Riefan Fajarsyah (Ifan), where date of birth: Yogyakarta, March 16, 1983, hobbies: playing music

name: M. Early Purbani (Bani), where date of birth: Sleman, March 9, 1982, hobbies: playing music, sports

guitarist 1:
name: Yudhi Rus Harjanto (Yudhi), where date of birth: Sleman, June 3, 1982, a hobby: the band, listen to music, painting

guitarist 2:
name: Sikumbang Herman (Herman), where date of birth: Tidore, North Maluku, March 17, 1982, a hobby: the band, listen to music, reading

name: Andi Darmawan Windu (Andi), where date of birth: Yogyakarta, August 8, 1982, hobbies: reading, sports

Rabu, 16 September 2009


Biodata :

BamS [Vokal]-Nama Lengkap: Bambang Reguna Bukit-Nama Panggilan: BamS-Tempat / Tgl Lahir: Ottawa, 16 Juni 1983-Agama: Kristen-Pekerjaan: Mahasiswa-Pendidikan Musik: Elfa Secioria Vocal TSB murid dan, Kursus Gitar Yamaha Musik -Influence: Goo-goo boneka, Jamiroquai, Radiohead, Led Zepppelin, Ratu Dan Foo Fighter. -Pengalaman: Vokalis Band Dan Eks Percusionist Infinity

Irfan [Gitar]-Nama Lengkap: Irfan Aulia Irsal-Nama Panggilan: Irfan-Tempat / Tgl Lahir: Jakarta, 26 April 1983-Agama: Islam-Pekerjaan: Mahasiswa-Pendidikan Musik: Kursus Gitar LPM Farabi, Kursus Organ Yamaha Musik Indonesia - Influence: Silverchair, John Mayer, U2, Muse, Radiohead. -Pengalaman Sebelumnya: Eks Session Player Samsons

Erik [Gitar]-Nama Lengkap: Erik Partogi Siagian-Nama Panggilan: Erik-Tempat / Tgl Lahir: Jakarta, 11 November 1982-Agama: Kristen Protestan-Pekerjaan: Mahasiswa-Pendidikan Musik: Otodidak-Influence: John Mayer, Jamiroquai, Radiohead . -Pengalaman: Sering ikut Festival

Aldri [Bass]-Nama Lengkap: Aldri Dataviadi-Nama Panggilan: BamS-Tempat / Tgl Lahir: Jakarta, 8 Februari 1984-Agama: Islam-Pekerjaan: Mahasiswa-Pendidikan Musik: Kursus listrik bass LPM Farabi-Influence: Weezer, John Mayer , Supergrove, Marcus Miller, No Doubt. -Pengalaman: Jakarta bawah tanah Indiers

Konde [Drum]-Nama Lengkap: Chandra Cristanto Nama Panggilan-: Konde-Tempat / Tgl Lahir: Jakarta, 25 Mei 1982-Agama: Islam-Pekerjaan: Mahasiswa-Pendidikan Musik: Kursus Drum LPM Farabi-Influence: Carter Beauford (Dave Matthews ), Stuart Copeland (Yhe Police) dan Mike Portnoy (Dream teater). Pengalaman: eks Infinity Dan Murni Instinct, Workshop, Q Channel Canada.

Tentang Samsons
Samsons band digawangi Bams Reguna Yang Buhit (vokal), Erik Partogi Siagian (gitar), Irfan Aulia (gitar), Chandra Christanto (drum) dan Aldri Dataviadi (bass) terbentuk Tahun 2003, tepatnya 14 Juli. Mereka kerap bertemu sebagai Teman Di Jl Antasari, Jakarta. Awalnya, Nama band pelantun lagu "Kenangan Terindah Samsons Suami bukanlah". Sebelumnya Nama band mereka Bernama Nama Equal. Pribadi Equal enam Orang, doa diantaranya adalah vokalis. Belum sempat Rekaman, vokalis cewek Keluar Sama drummer memutuskan. Yang cewek harus meneruskan studi KARENA Keluar Ke Tiongkok. Sementara ITU drummernya, merasa tidak cocok Lagi berbaring Artikel Baru Yang pribadi.

Awalnya mereka mengaku Tak berniat memakai Nama 'Samsons'. Suatu Hari, Rekaman sebelum mulai, para Wajib pribadi menjalani karantina MASA USING Aktiva pajak tangguhan Rekaman Di Puncak, DKI Barat, selama seminggu. memucat Pagi bangun selalu konde, Lalu utama drum saat Teman-Teman Yang Tidur masih terbaring. Lama-lama, mereka merasa terganggu, Lalu mengatakan AKU rusuh. Mereka bilang, kelakuanku Di Pagi Hari seperti Simson. Nama Samson akhirnya selalu disebut Dan secara spontan Sepakat, untuk Artikel memakainya sebagai pengganti Equal.

Secara bermusik Anak-anak Samsons datang musik Pemakaian Artikel Baru Yang berbeda. USING Aliran musik ngepop, ngerock, jazz, alternatif Dan musik minimalis. Jadi Tak heran jika Aliran lagu Samsons bercampur-campur. Tetapi mereka secara Umum musik pop lebih Condong ke. Lantunan lagu Samsons saat inisial diakui sebagai jati Diri Mutasi tidak ditemukan. KARENA selera musik beragam pula Maka yang bernuansa Yang ITU, APA dalam segala Ada Yang Karya Samsons menurut Bams, begitupun Lainnya pribadi, Bersama rembukan adalah Hasil. Tidak Ada Di ANTARA dominasi mereka.

Untuk Artikel urusan tema dalam lagu mereka Yang juga dominan 'tentang cinta', Yang cinta Menurutnya pagar sifatnya dirasakan Dan sering universal. Dalam Album Samsons, beberapa lagu memang berasal USING pengalaman Pribadi personelnya terutama Irfan Aulia. Kenangan Terindah 'Sebut saja lagu' Yang Sangat saat inisial atas, tercipta USING pengalaman Pribadi Irfan. Lagu saat Dibuat ITU Irfan Lagi Sakit Hati ditinggal pacar. Mereka membuatnya Artikel Baru Penuh penghayatan. Lewat lagu ITU Irfan buktikan kalau kehilangan suatu Bisa untuk hubungi ITU Hal Yang membuat terpuruk. Tapi juga kehilangan ITU Bisa membuat Sukses.

Untuk hubungi hanya lagu Kenangan Terindah Yang Punya Cerita menarik, Naluri Lelaki Yang juga album pertama Samsons Judul Ada Cerita Di baliknya. Menurut Irfan, menyanyikan pencipta lagu tersebut, lirik Naluri Lelaki ITU terinspirasi USING kehidupan Erik, Yang Jomblo Tiga Tahun, tidak bosan-bosannya Cari Wanita. Namun sayangnya, juga tidak dapat Yang cocok. Awalnya liriknya, "Erik adalah lelaki, Yang Tak pernah lelah Mencari Wanita". Erik 'menjadi Tapi untuk Artikel mengeneralkan Dan agar Bisa * Semua lelaki Ada nafas jiwanya Dan Artikel Baru Satu lagu Samsons makanya diubahlah Kata' AKU '.

Namun terlepas USING * Semua kesuksesan Samsons menembus industri musik Tanah Air, tidak sedikit Yang meragukan keeksistensian mereka, sebab Bams dkk dinilai menyuguhkan Karya standar. Tidak berbeda Artikel Baru Lainnya band. Mereka Yakin Dan optimis eksis untuk Artikel Tetap Bisa Dan Punya Tempat Di penikmat musik Indonesia Terus Belajar USING Hidup.




Sigit Purnomo Syamsudin Said
TTL: Donggala, 27 November 1979
E-mail: pasha@unguband.com
Join with Purple: November 1998
Previous: other band
Musical instruments: Drums, Bass, Guitar Rhytm
Height / weight: 173cm/60kg
Favorite musician: Makki, Gesang
Favorite color: Blue
Graduates: ABA-ABI
Wife: Agustina Okky Sofyan
Children: Kisya Alfaro's son Sigit,
Shakinah Adeliaputri Napasha


Omar Makki Parikesit
TTL: Jakarta, October 23, 1971
E-mail: makki@unguband.com
Join with Purple: 1996 (founder)
Previous: Harris Ioni,
Joint Session, Lovina,
Studio Sessions
Musical instrument: Bass, Drums, Guitar, Keys
Height / weight: 173cm/80kg
Favorite musician: Everyone @ Purple,
Al Di Meola, Pastorius, Coltrane,
Django Reindhart
Favorite color: Black
Graduates: Indiana University, USA
Status:'s married


Franco Medjaya Kusuma
TTL: Ghost, March 4, 1978
E-mail: enda@unguband.com
Join with Purple: 2001
Previous: ngamen in other bands
Musical instrument: Guitar, etc.
Height / weight: 178cm/62kg
Favorite musician: Joe Satriani,
Doel Sumbang
Favorite colors: Blue, Yellow
Graduated: Univ. Sam Ratulangi
Wife: Eka Nilestari
Child: Leona Lucida Azara


Arlonsy Miraldi
TTL: Palu, October 2, 1981
E-mail: onci@unguband.com
Join with Purple: 2003
Previous: Funky Corporal
Musical instrument: Guitar
Favorite color: Black


M. Nur Rohman
TTL: Jakarta, January 9, 1974
E-mail: rowman@unguband.com
Join with Purple: 2001
Previous: band Garux
Musical instruments: Drums
Favorite musician: Metallica
Favorite color: Orange
Status:'s married


Peterpan Band Group was formed early from a meeting CIU and Ariel, who had one class in the SMP 14 Bandung. At first they did not know each other. In fact, both are almost fist fights. Ariel is understandable as the new kid already makes CIU kesel. Ariel Because if we go to school like all the guitars take it. Moreover, the bandwagon can draw well just as CIU.

From here, they started meengasah ability in music. Together with his gang CIU, Ariel finally become good friends nge-hour plus partner. Peak, they joined the band calling itself preformance Papermint. Unfortunately, the band that is expected to talk this much even stranded in the middle of the road. Both also agreed to the road on their own.

The story continues as the band's favorite Andika, Beat Jr. (regular-song rendition of the Beatles) and Stupid Cupid (used to bring the music homage to Britpop), was forced to disband. Andika who love death the same time the band formed a band again. CIU is good at playing the guitar since Ariel dirangkulnya know. Because of personnel shortages in junior sohibnya najak CIU, ariel. While introducing friends because of her neighbors Andika, doi Indra and also invites join Ari. Year 1997, the band was officially formed with a cap. Its members consist of Ariel (vocals / guitar), Andika (vocals / keyboards), CIU (guitar), Indra (bass), and arie (drums).

At first, going to a solid formation. Initially all personnel are advised to exercise diligent. Unfortunately, because there are personnel who are not serious, the band was forced to disband. All personnel make their own band. Indeed the basic mate, Andika all personnel were summoned back.

Again bad luck. When the liver was comfy, Arie pull for personal reasons. Reza and Loekman who had played together with the senses, and her sister, digandengnya.

Because already the new personnel change, hence its name changed to Peter. Very simple meaning of the name Peter, the band has wanted to fly like a fairy tale Peter.

We already solid band, also had frequent exercises. Stay initial intention had not accomplished, ie, appear in the cafes of Bandung. Sure, this band had a gig at the cafe, but not too often.

They want jobs continue to flow, at least one of the home band cafe. Because already absurdly responsibilities, they have a lot of sacrificing their school.

At that stage they were looking for jobs themselves. Hence, they think need special manager who can find a job. Andika recalled that her brother had a band manager. They embrace a guy who got the name of this Soeratman Budi. Bargaining takes place between Peter and Budi personnel. The guy who called Abang this familiar music do not get adopted children Peterpan. Perhaps Big Brother was not sure.

Senin, 14 September 2009



Wali Band is a music genre Local Pop group formed Creative on October 31, 1999, with personnel consisting of Faank (vocals), Apoy (guitar), Tom (drums), Ovie ((keyboard & synt), and Nunu (bass). Albums Their first show, people said that was released March 26, 2008.

In the album, relying Wali Dik song as a hit single, in which soap star Shireen Sungkar also was asked to model a video clip of the song. Other than a few singles such as Emang Association, People Say, Stay and Egokah I Survived.

Dik songs are mainstays of the group's gritty dangdut recorded until mid-May 2008, succeeded in becoming the RBT (Ringbacktone) for a million mobile phone owners. This became a barometer of the success of the group that berangotakan five men.

Successful debut album, the mayor will soon release her second album. Previously, the Guardian has released a single hero from his new album, Find a love match. In fact, thanks to the RBT singles Search this love match, the mayor got gifts from labels umra, Nagaswara.


ST12 is a musical homage to the music group of Malays. ST12 was established in Bandung by Ilham aka febry Pepep (drums), Dedy Sudrajat alias Pepeng (guitar), Muhammad van Houten aka Charly Charly (vocals), and Iman Rush (guitar).

Initially, these four personnel did not know each other, although they have long been in the music world. They began to close after often met in the studio rental at East 12th Street Station, Bandung, owned Pepep. They were finally officially established ST12 on January 20, 2005. ST12 name which stands Jl. No East Station. 12 is the name of the father Pepep, Helmi Aziz.

Although the four personnel have a different favorite genres, like jazz Charly, Pepep like jazz and rock, while Pepeng grown with rock music, but they compromise to make ST12 homage to wither.

ST12 was forced to release their debut album through the independent (indie) because there is no label that would accommodate them. Unfortunately, in October 2005, when the album promotional tour in Semarang, Iman Rush, died of a broken blood vessel in the brain.

Trinity Optima Production will begin to look ST12 after debut album, THE WAY OF BEST (2005), a success. The second album, PUSPA (2008) dedicated to the Faith, released under the label of Trinity.

Hijau daun

BAND from Lampung, Green Leaf Light released their debut album, through ncouraging Follow label Sony BMG. By carrying homage to the pop songs of this progressive, Green Leaves nuance present in the music scene.

Band consisting of five personnel, Dide (vocals), Array and Arya (guitar), Deny (drums), and Richan (bass), has contracted a label Sony BMG since 31 April 2008, for three albums, outside of the compilation album, religion, akuistik, and soundtrack.

"Thank God our journey since 2001 was fruitful in the release of debut album which was released late last August by Sony BMG that for this early stage there were about five thousand copies," explained Dide accompanied personnel and managers travel to the Green Leaf at Lampung Post, Thursday (9-10).

Dide describes making this debut album took over six months penggarapannya conducted in Bandung. "There is a presumption Green Leaf Bandung this band, but we express the Green Leaf is from Lampung, our hometown," said the diamini Dide Array, Arya, Deny and the Court.

Therefore, Green Leaf has also been to several radio roadshow on Earth Lampung and other cities. "Praise the response to our album good enough either in Lampung as well as in several cities in the country, we even ranked at the top," explained lead singer of this Leaf Green. To promote the album, Green Leaf has also been scheduled to appear in the Hip Hip hurray on SCTV on October 12 to come (directly) at 10:00, at Click ANTV on October 15, and 0-channel Jakarta the next day.

About his band's name is unique enough, Green Leaf, Dide express his philosophy comes from the chlorophyll that provides oxygen for life. Leaves so Green can provide a new oxygen in the musical life, he added.